Today’s holiday Torah reading

· Rosh Hashana II

Torah reading: Genesis 22:1-24; Numbers 29:1-6

Parashat Ha’azinu

This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Ha’azinu (read on ).

In Ha’azinu (“Listen”) , Moses recites a poem praising God and criticizing the sins of the Israelites. He describes the misfortunes that the Israelites will face and the damage God will ultimately wreak on their oppressors. The portion ends as God commands Moses to ascend Mount Nebo, where he is to die. [1]

Torah Readings

The Torah (Five Books of Moses) is divided into 54 sections, or parshiyot. Each section (called a parsha, also transliterated parashah or parasha) is read during a particular week (parashat ha-shavua). The full cycle is read over the course of one Jewish year. Readings for 5785 · 6-year summary

Each page displays a summary of the parsha, the verses read for each aliyah (traditional full kriyah, triennial and weekday), the accompanying Haftarah, and English-language commentary from a range of Jewish traditions.


We offer three kinds of Torah and Haftarah downloads:

  1. Calendar feeds for desktop, mobile and web calendars. Microsoft Outlook, iPhone, iPad, macOS Desktop Calendar, Android (via Google Calendar).
  2. RSS feeds for RSS readers and news aggregator tools
  3. Leyning spreadsheets for aliyah-by-aliyah breakdown of Torah readings for Shabbat, holidays and weekdays.

Parsha calendar feeds for desktop, mobile and web calendars

Parashat ha-Shavua (weekly Torah Portion) on Saturdays. ~50 events per year · 5-year perpetual feed

פרשת השבוע - ישראל
iPhone, iPad, macOS Google Calendar

Leyning spreadsheet downloads

The following downloadable files contain the aliyah-by-aliyah breakdown of Torah readings for Shabbat, holidays and weekdays.

Leyning coordinators can download these Comma Separated Value (CSV) files and import into Microsoft Excel or some other spreadsheet program.

  • The Full Kriyah CSV files contain Torah & Haftara readings for Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, holidays and fast days.
  • The Weekday CSV files contain Torah readings for Mondays & Thursdays (and Shabbat mincha) when those days don't co-occur with one of the events above. In other words, these files are intended to be mutually exclusive with the Full Kriyah Shabbat/holiday files.
  • Triennial CSV files follow Triennial Torah Reading Cycle.
Diaspora spreadsheets
Israel spreadsheets