/ 13 Tevet 5917
Parashat Vayechi is the 12th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Vayechi (“He Lived”) is the final Torah portion in the Book of Genesis. It opens as Jacob prepares for his death, making his son Joseph swear to bury him in the Cave of Machpelah. Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons and his own 12 sons and then dies. Jacob’s sons bury him. The portion ends with Joseph’s death. [1]
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12 · 12 p’sukim
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12 · 12 p’sukim
Alternate Haftarah: II Samuel 1:12, 1:17-27 · 12 p’sukim
Vayechi: The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin (paid link)
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