Learning for 3rd of Tishrei, 5785

From ancient biblical times, the Torah has been divided into portions which are read each week on a yearly calendar. In line with this tradition, various calendars have emerged to facilitate groups of learners in collectively studying designated texts.

Shabbat Torah reading: Ha'azinu
Daf Yomi (Babylonian Talmud)

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Mishna Yomi

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Nach Yomi

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Daily Tehillim (Psalms)

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Daily Rambam (Mishneh Torah)

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Yerushalmi Yomi (J’lem Talmud)

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Sefer Chofetz Chaim
Preface 11-16 ונראה פשוט - לאין שעור

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Shemirat HaLashon
Book I, Introduction 5-6

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