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New Hebrew-only calendar option

By popular demand, we are pleased to announce a Hebrew-only calendar. Previously users had to see both Hebrew and transliterations, but we’ve added more flexibility in how the results get displayed.

On the Hebcal Custom Calendar page, there is a new Event titles user interface section which offers the “Hebrew only” option. There are actually 5 options:

  • Sephardic transliterations
  • Sephardic translit. + Hebrew
  • Ashkenazis transliterations
  • Ashkenazis translit. + Hebrew
  • Hebrew only

These options are available both for display on the page and download to iCal, Google Calendar, etc.

Here’s an example of what a Hebrew-only calendar looks like:

Vayishlach Haftarah correction

The haftarah for Parashat Vayishlach is now listed as Obadiah 1:1 – 1:21. It was previously listed as Hosea 11:7 – 12:12 for Ashkenazim and Obadiah 1:1 – 1:21 for Sephardim.

According to scholar Aryeh Cohen,

Further research indicates that while Ovadyah has been normalized as the reading for Ashkenazi communities, this wasn’t the case even some decades ago. The Hertz Chumash has Hosea and sources from the 19th century have Hosea as an alternative but the overwhelming predilection today seems to be for Ovadyah.