Hebcal offers a way to specify candle-lighting times location by latitude and longitude for remote or less-populated areas.
Hebcal supports already over 45,000 world cities. Just search for the name of any world city with population 5,000+. However, if you can’t find what you’re looking for in our location database, here’s how you could find candle-lighting times for a specific location.
Example: Ixiamas, Bolivia.
- Go to the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names at http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/
- Type “Ixiamas” in the Find box and click “Search” button
- Click on the link that says “Ixiamas… inhabited place”
- Note the latitude/longitude represented in “degrees minutes direction” (in the example of Ixiamas, La Paz, Bolivia it is Lat: 13 45 S and Long: 068 10 W) and write this information down on a sheet of paper
- Visit the Hebcal Custom Calendar latitude/longitude page at https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal?c=on;geo=pos
- Type the latitude and longitude into the form (13 degrees, 45 minutes South Latitude, 68 degrees 10 minutes West Longitude)
- Select the Time zone option specific to your location (see Wikipedia’s List of tz database time zones)
- Click “Get Calendar” button at the bottom of the form