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Parashat Bereshit 5th and 6th aliyot

There are multiple traditions about where to divide the aliyot for the Shabbat reading of Parashat Bereshit.

The Stone Edition of the Chumash, the Tikkun Torah Lakorim (Ktav Publishing) and several Internet sources (HebcalSefaria,, ChabadWikipedia) begin the sixth aliyah at verse Genesis 4:23, immediately following a short fifth aliyah (4:19-22). 

However, several sources use an alternate tradition with a longer the fifth aliyah (ending at 4:26) and begin the sixth aliyah at 5:1. The Koren Humash, the Hertz Humash (The Pentateuch and Haftorahs: Hebrew Text English Translation and Commentary) and Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary (Jewish Publication Society), and the Rabbi Miles Cohen Luaḥ Hashanah all use this aliyot division.

There is no “correct” answer here. One can argue about which is preferred, but one is not “better” (i.e. more halakhic or more traditional) than the other.

Triennial Torah Readings

The Hebcal Torah Reading pages specify both the traditional full kriyah (reading the entire weekly Torah portion each Shabbat) and also a triennial cycle specified by the Conservative Movement in the United States.

“Many congregations pattern their weekly Torah reading cycle after a system similar to the one used in ancient Israel during the rabbinic period. In this system, the traditional parashiot are each divided into three shorter segments, and the whole Torah is completed once every three years. The system has both advantages and disadvantages, but its ability to shorten the length of Torah reading without sacrificing the complete reading of the Torah on a regular basis has made it the choice of some synagogues in the Conservative Movement.”

A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly, 1988, emended 1995

Triennial Haftarot

Hebcal displays an optional alternate Haftarah according to Haftarot for a Triennial Cycle Torah Reading, Avram Israel Reisner, 2014.

UK Reform Judaism

The UK Reform Judaism movement publishes its own triennial Torah & Haftarah schedule.

Updates and modifications to Conservative triennial schedule for Diaspora

Update August 2022: for Parashat Vayakhel and Parashat Pekudei, Hebcal uses the modification provided in An Emendation to Richard Eisenberg’s Complete Triennial System for Reading Torah, to Address a Rare Situation, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly, 2012

Update December 2021: Hebcal adopted CJLS’s modifications triennial cycle for some combined parshiyot to change the reading for year 3 to be the third section of the parashah. Modification of the Triennial Cycle Readings for Combined Parashot in Certain Years, Rabbi Miles B. Cohen, 2020

Masorti triennial schedule for Israel

Although there is no formally specified triennial cycle for the Masorti movement in Israel, Hebcal began publishing a draft schedule in May 2023. Due to differences in the Torah readings schedule based on keeping only a single day of chag in Israel, the Diaspora triennial system does not work for a small number of parsha combinations that can occur in Israel.

In particular, Behar-Bechukotai and Matot-Masei occasionally occur with different 3-year patterns in Israel that never occur in the Diaspora. Rather than invent new aliyot divisions for Israel, we have adapted/reused the existing triennial variations used in the Diaspora.

Here is the draft schedule with some example years where the 3-year patterns occur.


Matot-Masei: 3-year pattern “STS” (Separate in 5774, Together in 5775, Separate in 5776)

Three Torah scrolls on Shabbat

Here’s some halachic trivia for your next cocktail party.

We read from the Torah every Shabbat, but we usually read from a single Torah scroll, and occasionally read from two scrolls.

On three possible occasions (when Rosh Chodesh coincides with a special Shabbat) we read from three sifrei Torah.

  • 1st scroll: regular weekly Torah portion (aliyot 1-6)
  • 2nd scroll: special 7th aliyah for Rosh Chodesh (Numbers 28:9-15)
  • 3rd scroll: special maftir aliyah for the special Shabbat

How often do we get one of these special Shabbatot? Pretty often! We read from 3 sifrei Torah on Shabbat about 4 out of every 7 years. Read on to learn more.

1. Shabbat Shekalim on Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh Adar coincides with Shabbat Shekalim about once every 9 years. The weekly Torah portion is always Parashat Pekudei on a leap year, or either Parashat Mishpatim or Parashat Terumah on a non-leap lear. The special maftir for Shabbat Shekalim is Exodus 30:11-16.

Here are a sample of dates, recent past and near future, all occurring on 1 Adar II on a leap year, or 1 Adar on a regular year:

2. Shabbat HaChodesh on Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh Nisan falls on Shabbat HaChodesh once every 3-4 years (approximately 28% of the time). The weekly Torah portion is always either Parashat Tazria or Parashat Vayikra. The special maftir for Shabbat HaChodesh is Exodus 12:1-20.

Here are a sample of dates, recent past and near future, all occurring on 1 Nisan:

3. Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah

When Rosh Chodesh Tevet (the 30th of Kislev) falls on Shabbat Chanukah, we read the first scroll for the weekly portion (always Parashat Miketz), the second for Rosh Chodesh, and the third for Chanukah.

This also happens approximately 28% of the time.

Can all three of these special occurrences happen in the same Hebrew year? Alas, no. Shabbat Shekalim on Rosh Chodesh (the most rare of the three) never occurs in the same year as the other two.

The other two special three-sifrei-Torah-on-Shabbat days (Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Chanukah and Shabbat HaChodesh on Rosh Chodesh) co-occur in about 1 in every 10 Hebrew years. This happens in years 5776, 5779, 5782, 5803, 5806, 5809, 5833, 5836, 5850, 5860, …

When one of these special Shabbatot coincide with Rosh Chodesh, the 6th aliyah of the regular parashah is extended to include all of the verses of what would normally be the 7th aliyah. In this way, the whole weekly Torah portion is read.

In case you were wondering: if a congregation doesn’t happen to own three Torah scrolls, the congregation waits while the scroll is rolled to the proper position.

Triennial Torah Reading revision

Hebcal triennial Torah readings have been updated to reflect the November 2020 responsa from the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly.

The CJLS modified the triennial cycle for some combined parshiyot to change the reading for year 3 to be the third section of the parashah.

The following parshiyot have been modified:

Further details are available in the responsa: Modification of the Triennial Cycle Readings for Combined Parashot in Certain Years, Rabbi Miles B. Cohen, November 16, 2020